Research grants and contracts
This is the history of the grants awarded over my career. I am very grateful to all of the funders who have funded my projects and the PhD students and PDRAs that worked on those projects.
Total award value £2,520,921
From | To | Value | Title | Project Reference | Funder | Investigator | Notes | Link |
31/03/1998 | 30/12/2001 | £51,423 | Volume Graphics | GR/L88238/01 | EPSRC | Principal Investigator | This was my EPSRC "First Grant" now New Investigator Award. At the time, a first grant was around £50K covering funding for a 3 year PhD student. | Link |
01/12/2000 | 30/11/2002 | £11,344 | Modelling Objects Using Distance Fields (Voxelisation) | GR/R11186/01 | EPSRC | Principal Investigator | This was my second EPSRC grant, which was an equipment bid to support my research. | Link |
01/01/2004 | 31/12/2006 | £130,685 | An Advanced Environment for Enabling Visual Supercomputing | GR/S46574/01 | EPSRC | Co-investigator | Professor Min Chen was principal investigator in Swansea, I was co‐investigator. Other members of the consortium were Swansea (David Chisnall and Nicolas Roard, postgraduates), Bangor (Professor Nigel John +2 postgrads), Leeds (Professor Ken Brodlie + 1 RA) and Manchester (Mark Riding, RA). | Link |
01/05/2004 | 30/09/2005 | £15,000 | MPhil student funding from ReachIn Haptics | ReachIn | Co-PI | Together with Professor Min Chen, we obtained £15K funding for an MPhil student to work on Haptic research | ||
30/04/2004 | 29/07/2007 | £148,251 | Volume Animation | GR/S44198/01 | EPSRC | Co-investigator | Professor Min Chen was principal investigator in Swansea, I was co‐investigator. Other members of the consortium are Swansea (Shoukat Islam and Simon Walton, postgraduates) and Bath (Professor Phil Willis + 1 RA). Following on from our research in Volume Graphics, we took the next step towards real-time volume graphics animation. | Link |
01/06/2005 | 01/06/2007 | £275,000 | VISTA | WDA/KEF | Co-investigator | Professor Min Chen was principal investigator. Together with Phil Grant, we worked on an online virtual, scalable, automatic gallery for multimedia presentation. | ||
01/01/2009 | 31/12/2012 | £100,000 | Sub-programme leader within the One Wales Research Institute for Visual Computing (RIVIC) | Welsh Government | Co-investigator | This was a large multi‐site convergence grant (Bangor, Aberystwyth, Cardiff, Swansea, >£5M). The Swansea programme was led by Min Chen. I was a Sub‐programme leader on the grant with a 3 year RA post funded and an equipment and travel budget. My component of Swansea’s funding was about £100,000. I took over management of the grant at Swansea (>£1M) when Professor Min Chen left. | ||
01/06/2011 | 30/06/2011 | £1,800 | Visualisation of Network Security | EADS | Principal Investigator | |||
01/08/2011 | 31/07/2014 | £247,013 | Faster and higher quality global illumination | EP/I031243/1 | EPSRC | Principal Investigator | Link | |
01/09/2013 | 31/08/2015 | £89,523 | Advanced Visualisation Techniques for Urban Modelling/Simulation | RPG-2013-190 | Leverhulme | Principal Investigator | This was a collaboration with Sir Alan Wilson of UCL CASA to introduce visualisation techniques into his dynamic urban modelling work. It funded Joel Dearden to work as an PDRA on the project. Joel was a fantastic person, and is greatly missed by everyone who knew him. | |
01/04/2016 | 30/06/2016 | £30,000 | DVLA Data Aggregation Impact (DAI) project | DVLA | Principal Investigator | |||
01/09/2016 | 15/08/2020 | £993,796 | Data Release - Trust, Identity, Privacy and Security | EP/N028139/1 | EPSRC | Principal Investigator | £1,242,246 FEC. We (myself, John Tucker, Markus Roggenbach and Xianghua Xie at Swansea) worked with Victoria Wang and Mark Button at the Institute of Criminal Justice Studies, University of Portsmouth, bringing the total funding to £1.6M. Related grant: | Link |
01/12/2016 | 30/11/2019 | £174,813 | Improving algorithms for scientific discoveries | Welsh Government (COFUND) | Principal Investigator | This funded ManDuhu on a fellowship to work on advanced GPU algorithms. | ||
01/09/2018 | 31/08/2020 | £107,343 | Developing new dimension reduction techniques and their integration with information visualisation for new visual analytics approaches | Welsh Government (COFUND) | Principal Investigator | Awarded, started, but sadly ended early due to bereavement | ||
30/09/2019 | 30/09/2023 | Geospatial machine learning in safety critical systems (UKHO) | 2284850 | EPSRC | Principal Investigator | CDT Studentship (Tulsi Patel) with UKHO | Link | |
30/09/2019 | 31/05/2024 | UKHO Celestial Navigation Project | 2284753 | EPSRC | Principal Investigator | CDT Studentship (Floyd Hepburn-Dickins) with UKHO | Link | |
30/09/2022 | 30/09/2026 | Efficient labelling of underwater datasets (Beam) | 2600602 | EPSRC | Principal Investigator | CDT Studentship (Jason Summers) with Vaarst/Beam | Link | |
07/04/2022 | 07/04/2022 | £144,930 | Innovate UK KTP 21-22, Round 5 | 10029233 | Innovate UK | Principal Investigator | Awarded, but not started due to company pull out |