Professor Mark W. Jones


  1. Floyd Hepburn-Dickins, Mark W. Jones, Mike Edwards, Jay Paul Morgan and Steve Bell, SIGNN - Star Identification using Graph Neural Networks, in Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), pp. 9045-9054, Feb. 2025.
  2. Fanzhi Jiang, Su Yang, Mark W. Jones and Liumei Zhang, From Attributes to Natural Language: A Survey and Foresight on Text-based Person Re-identification, in Information Fusion, vol. 30, pp. 102879, 2025.
  3. Keneni W. Tesema, Lyndon Hill, Mark W. Jones, Muneeb I. Ahmad and Gary K.L. Tam, Point Cloud Completion: A Survey, in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 30, no. 10, pp. 6880-6899, Oct. 2024.
  4. Tulsi Patel, Mark W. Jones and Thomas Redfern, Manifold Explorer: Satellite Image Labelling and Clustering Tool with Using Deep Convolutional Autoencoders, Algorithms 16(10):469, 2023.
  5. Omniah H. Nagoor, Joss Whittle, Jingjing Deng, Benjamin Mora and Mark W Jones, Sampling Strategies for Learning-based 3D Medical Image Compression, Machine Learning With Applications 8, 100273, 2022.
  6. Ali Alqahtani, Mohammed Ali, Xianghua Xie and Mark W Jones, Deep Time-Series Clustering: A Review, Electronics 10(23):3001 (2021).
  7. Ali Alqahtani, Xianghua Xie and Mark W Jones, Literature Review of Deep Network Compression, Informatics 8(4):77 (2021).
  8. Mohammed Ali, Rita Borgo and Mark W. Jones, Concurrent Time-Series Selections Using Deep Learning and Dimension Reduction, Knowledge-Based Systems 233 (2021).
  9. Ali Alqahtani, Xianghua Xie, Mark W. Jones and Ehab Essa, Pruning CNN Filters via Quantifying the Importance of Deep Visual Representations, Computer Vision and Image Understanding (208-209) 103220, 2021.
  10. Omniah Nagoor, Joss Whittle, Jingjing Deng, Benjamin Mora and Mark W. Jones, MedZip: 3D Medical Images Lossless Compressor Using Recurrent Neural Network (LSTM), 2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2021, pp. 2874-2881.
  11. Ali Alqahtani, Xianghua Xie, Ehab Essa and Mark Jones, Neuron-based Network Pruning Based on Majority Voting, 2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2021, pp. 2874-2881.
  12. Omniah Nagoor, Joss Whittle, Jingjing Deng, Benjamin Mora and Mark Jones, Lossless Compression For Volumetric Medical Images Using Deep Neural Network With Local Sampling, 2020 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 2020, pp. 2815-2819.
  13. Mohammed Ali, Ali Alqahtani, Mark W. Jones and Xianghua Xie, Clustering and Classification for Time Series Data in Visual Analytics: A Survey, IEEE Access 7(1), 181314-181338, December 2019.
  14. Manduhu and Mark W. Jones, A work efficient parallel algorithm for exact Euclidean Distance Transform, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 28(11), 5322-5335, Nov. 2019.
  15. Ali Alqahtani, Xianghua Xie, Jingjing Deng and Mark W. Jones, Learning Discriminatory Deep Clustering Models, In: Vento M., Percannella G. (eds) Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns. CAIP 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11678. Springer. 2019.
  16. Duhu Man, Mark W. Jones, Danrong Li, Honglong Zhang and Zhan Song, Calibration of turntable based 3D scanning systems, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E102-D(9), Sept. 2019.
  17. Mohammed Ali, Mark W. Jones, Xianghua Xie and Mark Williams, TimeCluster: Dimension Reduction applied to Temporal Data for Visual Analytics, The Visual Computer 35(6-8), 1013-1026. 2019.
  18. Joel Dearden, Yi Gong, Mark Jones, Alan Wilson, Using the State Space of a BLV Retail Model to Analyse the Dynamics and Categorise Phase Transitions of Urban Development, Urban Science. 2019, 3(1), 31.
  19. Ric Colasanti, Rita Borgo, Mark W. Jones, Emoji and Chernoff – A Fine Balancing Act or are we Biased?, In 2019 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis), Bangkok 2019. pp. 102-111.
  20. Mohammed Ali, Mark W. Jones, Xianghua Xie, Mark Williams, Towards Visual Exploration of Large Temporal Datasets, In 2018 International Symposium on Big Data Visual Analytics (BDVA) 2018, Konstanz, Germany. pp. 1-9.
  21. A. Alqahtani, X. Xie, J. Deng, M. W. Jones, A Deep Convolutional Auto-Encoder With Embedded Clustering, In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Athens, Greece, 2018, pp. 4058-4062.
  22. Joss Whittle, Mark W. Jones, A Deep Learning Approach to No-Reference Image Quality Assessment For Monte Carlo Rendered Images, In Proceedings Computer Graphics and Visual Computing (CGVC) 2018. pp. 23-31.
  23. Omniah H. Nagoor, Rita Borgo, and Mark W. Jones, Data Painter: A Tool for Colormap Interaction, In Proceedings Computer Graphics and Visual Computing (CGVC) 2017, pages 69-76 (2017).
  24. Danrong Li, Honglong Zhang, Zhan Song, Duhu Man and Mark W. Jones, An Automatic Laser Scanning System for Accurate 3D Reconstruction of Indoor Scenes, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation (ICIA), Macau SAR, China, 2017, pp. 826-831.
  25. Joss Whittle, Mark W. Jones and Rafal Mantiuk, Analysis of Reported Error in Monte Carlo Rendered Images, The Visual Computer 33(6), 705-713. (2017).
  26. Jason Xie, Mark W. Jones and Gary Tam, Recognition, Tracking, and Optimisation, Int J Comput Vis (2017) 122(3), 409--410.
  27. Joss Whittle, Rita Borgo and Mark W. Jones, Implementing generalized deep-copy in MPI, PeerJ Computer Science 2:e96, Nov. 2016.
  28. Rory P. Wilson, Mark D. Holton, James S. Walker, Emily L. C. Shepard, D. Mike Scantlebury, Vianney L. Wilson, Gwendoline I. Wilson, Brenda Tysse, Mike Gravenor, Javier Ciancio, Melitta A. McNarry, Kelly A. Mackintosh, Lama Qasem, Frank Rosell, Patricia M. Graf, Flavio Quintana, Agustina Gomez-Laich, Juan-Emilio Sala, Christina C. Mulvenna, Nicola J. Marks, Mark W. Jones, A spherical-plot solution to linking acceleration metrics with animal performance, state, behaviour and lifestyle, Movement Ecology, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 1-11, Dec. 2016.
  29. James Walker, Rita Borgo and Mark W. Jones, TimeNotes: A Study on Effective Chart Visualization and Interaction Techniques for Time-Series Data, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings of Information Visualization 2015), vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 549-558, Jan. 2016.
  30. James S. Walker, Mark W. Jones, Robert S. Laramee, Mark D. Holton, Emily L. C. Shepard, Hannah J. Williams, D. Michael Scantlebury, Nikki, J. Marks, Elizabeth A. Magowan, Iain E. Maguire, Owen R. Bidder, Agustina Di Virgilio and Rory P. Wilson, Prying into the intimate secrets of animal lives; software beyond hardware for comprehensive annotation in ‘Daily Diary’ tags, Movement Ecology 2015, 3:29 (21 September 2015).
  31. O. R. Bidder and J. S. Walker and M. W. Jones and M. D. Holton and P. Urge and D. M. Scantlebury and N. J. Marks and E. A. Magowan and I. E. Maguire and R. P. Wilson, Step by step: reconstruction of terrestrial animal movement paths by dead-reckoning, Movement Ecology 2015, 3:23 (15 September 2015).
  32. Richard C. Roberts, Robert S. Laramee and Mark W. Jones, Multivariate Hybrid Visualisation of Ornithological Sensor Data, In R. Borgo and C. Turkay (eds.), Computer Graphics and Visual Computing (CGVC), pages 1-6, Eurographics Association, 2015.
  33. James S. Walker, Mark W. Jones, Robert S. Laramee, Owen R. Bidder, Hannah J. Williams, Rebecca Scott, Emily L. C. Shepard and Rory P. Wilson, TimeClassifier: a visual analytic system for the classification of multi-dimensional time series data, The Visual Computer, 31(6-8), 1067-1078, 2015.
  34. Joel Dearden, Mark W. Jones and Alan Wilson, DynaMoVis: visualization of dynamic models for urban modelling, The Visual Computer, 31(6-8), 1079-1088, 2015.
  35. Gwendoline Ixia Wilson, Mark D. Holton, James Walker, Mark W. Jones, Ed Grundy, Ian M. Davies, David Clarke, Adrian Luckman, Nick Russill, Vianney Wilson, Rosie Plummer and Rory P. Wilson, A new perspective on how humans assess their surroundings; derivation of head orientation and its role in 'framing' the environment, PeerJ 3:e908 (2015).
  36. Ben Spencer, Mark W. Jones and Ik Soo Lim, A Visualisation Tool used to Develop New Photon Mapping Techniques, Computer Graphics Forum, 34(1), 127-140, 2015.
  37. Safa A. Najim, Ik Soo Lim, Peter Wittek and Mark W. Jones, FSPE: Visualization of Hyperspectral Imagery Using Faithful Stochastic Proximity Embedding, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 12(1), 18-22, 2015.
  38. Rita Borgo, Joel Dearden and Mark W. Jones, Order of Magnitude Markers: An Empirical Study on Large Magnitude Number Detection, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings Information Visualization 2014), 20(12), 2261-2270, 2014.
  39. Philip A. Legg, David H. S. Chung, Matthew L. Parry, Rhodri Bown, Mark W. Jones, Iwan W. Griffiths, Min Chen, Transformation of an Uncertain Video Search Pipeline to a Sketch-based Visual Analytics Loop, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 19(12), 2109-2118, 2013.
  40. David M. Hughes, Ik Soo Lim, Mark W. Jones, Aaron Knoll and Ben Spencer, InK-Compact: In-Kernel Stream Compaction and Its Application to Multi-Kernel Data Visualization on General-Purpose GPUs, Computer Graphics Forum, 32(6), 178-188, 2013.
  41. Tony McLoughlin, Mark W. Jones, Robert S. Laramee, Rami Malki, Ian Masters, and Charles D. Hansen, Similarity Measures for Enhancing Interactive Streamline Seeding, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 19(8), 1342-1353, 2013.
  42. Ian C. Doidge and Mark W. Jones, Probabilistic illumination-aware filtering for Monte Carlo rendering, The Visual Computer, June 2013, Volume 29, Issue 6-8, 707-716.
  43. Ben Spencer and Mark W. Jones, Photon Parameterisation for Robust Relaxation Constraints, Computer Graphics Forum, 2013, 32(2pt1), 83-92.
  44. Ben Spencer and Mark W. Jones, 2013 Cover Image: Prism, Computer Graphics Forum, 2013, 32(1), 216-217.
  45. Ben Spencer and Mark W. Jones, Progressive Photon Relaxation, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 32(1), Article 7, January 2013.
  46. Ian C. Doidge, Mark W. Jones and Ben Mora, Mixing Monte Carlo and Progressive Rendering for Improved Global Illumination, CGI 2012, The Visual Computer 28(6-8), 603-612, 2012.
  47. Phil Legg, David H. S. Chung, Matthew L. Parry, Mark W. Jones, Rhys Long, Iwan W. Griffths, and Min Chen, MatchPad: Interactive Glyph-Based Visualization for Real-Time Sports Performance Analysis, Eurovis 2012, Computer Graphics Forum 31(3pt4), 1255-1264, 2012.
  48. J. Walker, Z. Geng, M. W. Jones, and R. S. Laramee, Visualization of Large, Time-Dependent, Abstract Data with Integrated Spherical and Parallel Coordinates, Eurovis Short Papers, 43-47, 2012.
  49. T. McLoughlin, M. Edmunds, R. S. Laramee, M. W. Jones, G. Chen and E. Zhang, Using Integral Surfaces to Visualize CFD Simulation Results, NAFEMS World Congress (NWC) Conference Proceedings, The International Association for the Engineering Analysis Community, page 100 (full proceedings on CDROM), 23-26 May 2011, Boston, Massachusetts.
  50. J. Blaas, C. Botha, E. Grundy, M. W. Jones, R. Laramee and F. Post, Smooth Graphs for Visual Exploration of Higher-Order State Transitions, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 15(6), 969-976, 2009.
  51. E. Grundy, M. W. Jones, R. S. Laramee, R. P. Wilson, and E. F. Shepard, Visualization of Sensor Data from Animal Movement, Eurographics/ IEEE-VGTC Symposium on Visualization (Eurovis) 2009, Computer Graphics Forum 28(3), 815-822, 2009.
  52. Ben Spencer and Mark W. Jones, Into the Blue: Better Caustics through Photon Relaxation, Computer Graphics Forum 28(2) 319-328, 2009.
  53. Ben Spencer and Mark W. Jones, CGForum 2009 Cover Image, Computer Graphics Forum 28(1), 172, March 2009.
  54. Ben Spencer and Mark W. Jones, Hierarchical Photon Mapping, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 15(1), 49-61, Jan/Feb 2009.
  55. M. Chen, S. Islam, M. W. Jones, P. Shen, D. Silver, S. J. Walton, and P. J. Willis, Manipulating, Deforming and Animating Sampled Object Representations, Computer Graphics Forum 26(4), 824-852, 2007.
  56. Simon Walton and Mark W. Jones, Interacting with Volume Data: Deformations using Forward-Projection, Fourth International Conference on Medical Information Visualisation -- BioMedical Visualisation (MediVis 2007), 48--53, (IEEE July 2007).
  57. K. W. Brodlie, J. Brooke, M. Chen, D. Chisnall, C. J. Hughes, N. W. John, M. W. Jones, M. Riding, N. Roard, M. Turner, and J. D. Wood, Adaptive Infrastructure for Visual Computing, In Proceedings of Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics, 147--156, 2007.
  58. M. W. Jones, A. Bærentzen, and M. Srámek, 3D Distance Fields: A Survey of Techniques and Applications, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 12(4), 581-599, July/August 2006.
  59. Simon Walton and Mark W. Jones, Volume Wires: A Framework for Empirical Non-linear Deformation of Volumetric Datasets, Journal of WSCG, 14(1-3), 81-88, 2006.
  60. Nicolas Roard and Mark W. Jones, Agents Based Visualization and Strategies, In Full Papers Proceedings of WSCG 2006, 63-70, 2006.
  61. M. Chen, S. Islam, M. W. Jones, P. Shen, D. Silver, S. J. Walton, and P. J. Willis, Deforming and Animating Discretely Sampled Object Representations, Eurographics 2005, STAR Reports, 113-140, 2005.
  62. C. Miller and M. W. Jones, Texturing and Hypertexturing of Volumetric Objects, In E. Groller, I. Fujishiro, K. Mueller, T. Ertl (eds.), Volume Graphics 2005, Eurographics, 117-125.
  63. K. Brodlie, J. Brooke, M. Chen, D. Chisnall, A. Fewings, C. Hughes, N. W. John, M. W. Jones, M. Riding and N. Roard, Visual Supercomputing - Technologies, Applications and Challenges, Visual Supercomputing - Technologies, Applications and Challenges, Computer Graphics Forum 24(2), 217-245, 2005.
  64. K. Brodlie, J. Brooke, M. Chen, D. Chisnall, A. Fewings, C. Hughes, N. W. John, M. W. Jones, M. Riding and N. Roard, Visual Supercomputing - Technologies, Applications and Challenges, Eurographics 2004, Visual Supercomputing - Technologies, Applications and Challenges, Eurographics 2004, STAR Reports, 37-68.
  65. M. W. Jones, Distance Field Compression, In The Journal of WSCG 12(2), 199-204, 2004.
  66. T. Lewis and M. W. Jones, A System for the Non-Linear Modelling of Deformable Procedural Shapes, In The Journal of WSCG 12(2), 253-260, 2004.
  67. M. W. Jones, Melting Objects, In The Journal of WSCG 11(2), 247-254, 2003.
  68. R. Satherley and M. W. Jones, Hypertexturing Complex Volume Objects, In The Visual Computer 18(4), 226-235, 2002.
  69. M. W. Jones, Facial Reconstruction Using Volumetric Data, In T. Ertl, B. Girod, G. Greiner, H. Niemann, H. -P. Seidel (eds.), Vision, Modeling, and Visualization 2001, (IOS Press, 2001), 135-142.
  70. S. M. F. Treavett, M. Chen, R. Satherley and M. W. Jones, Volumes of Expression: Artistic Modelling and Rendering of Volume Datasets, In Proc. Computer Graphics International 2001, IEEE Computer Society Press, 99-106.
  71. R. Satherley and M. W. Jones, Hybrid Distance Field Computation, In K. Mueller and A. Kaufman (eds.), Volume Graphics 2001, Springer-Wien New York, 195-209.
  72. R. Satherley and M. W. Jones, Vector-City Vector Distance Transform, In Computer Vision and Image Understanding 82, 238-254, 2001.
  73. M. W. Jones and R. Satherley, Shape Representation Using Space Filled Sub-Voxel Distance Fields, In International Conference on Shape Modelling and Applications 2001, IEEE Computer Society Press, 316-325.
  74. M. W. Jones and R. Satherley, Using Distance Fields for Object Representation and Rendering, In Proc. 19th Ann. Conf. of Eurographics (UK Chapter), London 2001, 37-44.
  75. R. Satherley and M. W. Jones, Hypertexturing Complex Volume Objects, In The 9-th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2001, 146-153.
  76. M. W. Jones and R. Satherley, Voxelisation: Modelling for Volume Graphics, In B. Girod, G. Greiner, H. Niemann, H. -P. Seidel (eds.), Vision, Modeling, and Visualization 2000, IOS Press, 319-326.
  77. R. Satherley and M. W. Jones, Extending Hypertextures to Non-Geometrically Definable Volume Data, In Chen, Kaufman, and Yagel (eds.), Volume Graphics, Springer 2000, 211-225.
  78. M. W. Jones, Direct Surface Rendering of General and Genetically Bred Implicit Surfaces, In Proc. 17th Ann. Conf. of Eurographics (UK Chapter), Cambridge 1999, 37-46.
  79. T. Simpson and M. W. Jones, Space Subdivision of Finite Element Meshes, In Proc. 15th Ann. Conf. of Eurographics (UK Chapter), Norwich 1997, 13-20.
  80. M. W. Jones, An Efficient Shadow Detection Algorithm and the Direct Surface Rendering Volume Visualisation Model, In Proc. 15th Ann. Conf. of Eurographics (UK Chapter), Norwich, 237-244, 1997.
  81. M. W. Jones, Acceleration Techniques for Volume Rendering, In Earnshaw, Jones and Vince (eds.), Visualization and Modeling, (London : Academic Press, 1997), 253-286.
  82. M. W. Jones, The Production of Volume Data from Triangular Meshes Using Voxelisation, Computer Graphics Forum 15(5), 311-318, 1996.
  83. M. Chen, M. W. Jones and P. Townsend, Volume distortion and morphing using disk fields, Computers and Graphics, 20(4), 567-575, 1996.
  84. M. W. Jones, Volume Rendering Using View Adapted Stepping Distances, In Proc. BCS Displays Group - Visualisation and Modelling, University of Leeds, 6-7 December 1995.
  85. Mark W. Jones, The Visualisation of Regular Three Dimensional Data, PhD Thesis, University of Wales, University College of Swansea (Swansea University), 1995.
  86. M. W. Jones, Glossary, In M. Chen, P. Townsend, J. A. Vince (eds.), Proc. High Performance Computing for Graphics and Visualisation, Springer, 277-287, 1995.
  87. M. W. Jones, Voxelisation of polygonal meshes, In Proc. 13th Ann. Conf. of Eurographics (UK Chapter), Loughborough, 160-171, 1995.
  88. M. W. Jones, 3D distance from a point to a triangle, Technical report CSR-5-95, Department of Computer Science, Swansea University, February 1995.
  89. M. Chen, M. W. Jones and P. Townsend, Methods for Volume Metamorphosis, In Y. Paker and S. Wilbur (eds.), Image Processing for Broadcast and Video Production, Springer-Verlag Berlin, 280-292, 1995.
  90. M. W. Jones and M. Chen, Fast Cutting Operations on Three Dimensional Volume Datasets, In M. Goebel, Hueller and B. Urban (eds.), Visualization in Scientific Computing, Springer-Verlag Berlin, 1-8, 1995.
  91. M. W. Jones and M. Chen, A New Approach to the Construction of Surfaces from Contour Data, Computer Graphics Forum 13(3), 75-84, 1994.